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greetings, I'm the demiurge, informally known as dahlia.

I've interests in networking, hacktivism, linux, art (I draw), books, music, and a lot of films.
>>36680215 (OP)
albums I like:

hanl - deathconsciousness

giles corey - giles corey

haley heyndarickx - I need to start a garden

ethel cain - preacher's daughter

slowdive - souvlaki

mbl - loveless

daughter - if you leave

carissa's weird - songs about leaving

the microphones - the glow, pt. 2

csh - twin fantasy

coma cinema - blue suicide

coma cinema - posthumous release

starry cat - starry cat

daughters - you won't get what you want

the holtelier - home, like noplace is there

joyce manor - never hungover again

infinity crush - when we're snow
>>36680215 (OP)
favourite books:

nietzsche - thus spoke zarathustra

camus - the stranger

ligotti - conspiracy against the human race
>>36680215 (OP)

discord: @d6m1urg6

matrix: @demiurge:catgirl.cloud
>>36680215 (OP)
thanks for visiting my page,
love you guys